Susan Kleiboeker of Clinton County AG in the Classroom visited 1st grade today. She read, Hold the Anchovies and we discussed how all the parts of pizza come from the farm, from the crust to the toppings.
over 4 years ago, Diane Hodapp
Susan Kleiboeker of Clinton County AG in the Classroom visited 1st grade today. She read, Hold the Anchovies and we discussed how all the parts of pizza come from the farm, from the crust to the toppings.
Susan Kleiboeker of Clinton County AG in the Classroom visited 1st grade today. She read, Hold the Anchovies and we discussed how all the parts of pizza come from the farm, from the crust to the toppings.
Susan Kleiboeker of Clinton County AG in the Classroom visited 1st grade today. She read, Hold the Anchovies and we discussed how all the parts of pizza come from the farm, from the crust to the toppings.
Willow Grove Spirit Wear can be ordered online this year. Go to the link to place your order.
over 4 years ago, Renae Killion
Spirit Wear Sales Form
The Willow Grove Early Childhood class wore green today as a tribute to Braden Tate and their friends and colleagues at Rome Grade School.
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Congratulations to the Wildcards!! State Championship winners!! We are proud of you girls!! 🎉🥎🎉🥎
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
As parents/supporters of student-athletes, we want nothing more than to see our kids out on the field/court/whatever. The news of this little boy put some things into perspective for me tonight. May we all be grateful for the blessings we have and pray for his family as they face their worst nightmare 💚 Schools across the county are being asked to wear a Green Shirt Tuesday, October 13th to show support for Braden Tate's Family, Friends, Classmates, Teachers, and Administration. 💚 Braden Tate was hit while chasing a ball into the road, Highway 37 near Mt. Vernon, on Friday evening. He was airlifted to St. Louis, where he later passed away. He attended Rome Grade School. Tuesday is going to be an extremely difficult day for this school. Please keep the Tate family and Rome School in your prayers! 💚#BradenTate
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Congratulations on your win today Wildcards 🥎🥎🥎 They will play Tuesday for the state championship!!!
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Good luck to the Willow Grove/St. Mary wildcards today!! 🥎🥎🥎
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Congratulations to the Willow Grove/St. Mary Wildcards on their 9-8 victory!! Let’s keep it going girls!! 🥎🥎🥎
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Some reminders for today’s State matchup at Elverado School in Vergennes at 4:00
over 4 years ago, Josh Linville
Just a few reminders for spectators for today’s State matchup at Elverado School in Vergennes at 4:00
Good luck to the Willow Grove/St. Mary Softball team at their state tournament game today at 4:00 p.m.!!!
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Reminder today October 7th is a 2:00 p.m. dismissal.
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Willow Grove/St. Mary Wildcards will be playing Wednesday October 7th at 4:00p.m. They will be playing at Elverado Jr. High 190 Harrison Street, Vergennes, IL 62994. *Persons coming to the SIJHSAA Class L, M, or S State Baseball and Softball Tournament should read through the COVID guidelines for spectators. Fans coming into the facilities must have a face covering. PLEASE READ AND COMPLY WITH THE GUIDELINES!
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Congratulations Willow Grove-St. Mary’s Wildcards on winning their Regional!
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Congratulations Willow Grove-St. Mary’s Wildcards on winning their Regional! Next Stop: STATE!
over 4 years ago, Kristin Trumbo
Congratulations Ladies!
Kindergarten had a busy day! We made owls, tasted apples and learned to graph!
over 4 years ago, Kristin Trumbo
Tasting apples
Red, green, and yellow apples
Tasting apples
Kindergarten had a busy day! We made owls, tasted apples and learned to graph!
over 4 years ago, Kristin Trumbo
Parents if your children have any of these sypmtoms please do not send them to school. Please see the attachment.
over 4 years ago, Trish Timmons
Reminders There is no School tomorrow for students. Remote Learners DO NOT have to check in. Midterms will be sent home today. After school tutoring will begin next week(Monday,Tuesday and Thursday)Students must be picked up at 4PM. Please let your student's teacher if they will be attending.
over 4 years ago, Dave Fults
Reminders Tomorrow September 16th is a 2:00 dismissal. Walkers and car riders dismiss at 2 with bus riders to be dismissed at 2:05. Mid Terms will be sent home with students on Thursday. Friday is a teacher workshop day. No student attendance that day.
over 4 years ago, Dave Fults
Reminder - Willow Grove will be back in attendance on Monday September 14th. Students don't forget to bring your Chromebooks back with you.
over 4 years ago, Dave Fults