The JV and Varsity Boys Basketball games that were cancelled on November 12 have been rescheduled for Tuesday, November 19th at 6:00 at Iuka Grade School.

Reminder for those who would like to participate in Scholar Bowl:
Please come to Mrs. Smith's 4th grade room on Monday, November 18 from 3:30 to 4:30 for our first meeting. This meeting is for students only. Hope to see you there!

Picture retake and fall sport pictures will be Friday November 22nd.

Kindergarten, 1st grade and Ms. pam’s classes enjoyed watching Pinocchio today!

Boys Basketball (5th-8th Grade)
Monday 11/18 Practice 3:30-5:00
Tuesday 11/19 Practice 3:30-5:00
Wednesday 11/20 Practice 3:00-5:00
Thursday 11/21 Practice 3:30-5:00
Friday 11/22 No Practice

Today’s (11/12/2019) Boys Basketball game vs Iuka has been cancelled due to weather.
Today’s (11/12/2019) Girls OBC Basketball game vs Field has been rescheduled for tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 7:30 at Selmaville Grade School.

Due to poor road conditions and dropping temperatures willow grove will be closed tomorrow November 12th.

Congratulations to the Willow Grove Pee-Wee basketball team on their 2nd place finish in the Central City 3rd grade tournament.

Kindergarten made poppies today in honor of Veterans Day! Thank you Veterans!

4th grade went on a nature walk looking for leaves to use for our science lesson. We learned about differences in leaves and made leaf rubbings with our collection.

Third grade went on a scavenger hunt to try and find our class's newest Dog Man book!

Reminder for 8th graders: Fundraiser orders and money are due tomorrow, Friday, November 8th. Green high school forms are also due tomorrow.

If you are interested in joining Scholar Bowl please come to our first meeting in the 4th grade room on Monday, November 18 from 3:30 to 4:30. Hope to see you there!

Boys Basketball (5th-8th Grade)
Nov 11 No Practice
Nov 12 Game at Iuka 6:00
Nov 13 Practice 3:30-5:00
Nov 14 Home vs Central City 6:00
Nov 15 No Practice

4th grade is working to identify various leaves with a dichotomous key and our Trees booklets.

Today is a 2:00 p.m. Dismissal!!

Thank you Centralia Fire Department for teaching Early Childhood-2nd grade how to stay safe in a fire.

4th grade went on a nature walk looking for leaves to use for our science lesson. We learned about differences in leaves and made leaf rubbings with our collection.

4th grade went on a nature walk looking for leaves to use for our science lesson. We learned about differences in leaves and made leaf rubbings with our collection.

Kindergarten’s Pumpkin Patch!